After fifteen chapters it is finally that time, ladies and gentlemen! Time to vote for an heir so I can continue the story. Midori's POV is getting quite boring as she is getting older and the focus has now become her children. I absolutely can't decide myself as I have plenty of ideas and I love them all in their own unique way, I just can't choose a favorite! So, that's where you, dear reader, come in. My opinions on each will be written in RED, not that they should sway your decisions in any direction. ;)
Mandarin Minune
Mandarin is the most confident of the bunch, being a Capricorn only aids that. Despite being labeled somewhat of a couch potato as a child she used her knowledge of pop culture to gain popularity at school and an ear for good music. She discovered as a teenager, when her parents bought her first instrument, she had quite the talent for music when she put on a virtuoso performance the first night she owned her keyboard. She is quite frugal, in order to save money for the latest fashions. Watch your words, she is prone to angry outbursts, as she is hot-headed. Twin sister to Makoto Minune.
Stu Surprise
Soul Music
The color Purple
Lifetime Wish
She has not yet decided what her calling in life is.
Mandarin seems like she would be the easiest to play with as an heir. Many sims are instantly attracted to her and want to initiate conversations with her for reasons unknown. The paparazzi also like following her around and often choose to photograph her over the rest of the family. I'm pretty sure her LTW will roll as part of the music career or singer, but nothing has popped up in her wants yet.
Makoto Minune
Makoto is the most forward of the three, being a Taurus makes her a bit hard headed. She spends her time working out and being a part of the sports club at school, she's very athletic. She acts somewhat like a diva, not your traditional kind, but like an evil, anti-preppy, leader of the goth clique diva. As a child she left her dirty plates and trash everywhere, but she's become less of a slob as a teenager, if only she'd take more showers after her workouts. Twin sister of Mandarin Minune.
Veggie Rolls
Egyptian Music
The color Lime
Lifetime Wish
The Emperor of Evil
Makoto would probably be the most difficult to start the next generation with, but she already has a lifetime wish, so I could start working on that now in her teenage years. Sims don't seem to want to hold conversations with her when she does talk to other sims. She's also the ugliest in my opinion, so I would have to find an attractive sim (hopefully!) for her. I've also had the most fun playing with her, her personality is so fiery!
And NOW!
Maddox Minune
(aged in CAS)
Little Maddox has the calm exterior of a Scorpio, but you never know what's going on behind those eyes. He spends his time outside of school in his bedroom with his only friend, Melody, which is how he prefers it being a loner. It's not that he's a coward, he's just not yet brave enough to face the challenges of the real world. His genius qualities come out while doing homework and he enjoys playing chess against the computer. Younger brother to twins Mandarin and Makoto Minune.
Veggie Rolls
Soul Music
The color Spiceberry
Lifetime Wish
Maddox has not yet found his calling in life.
Maddox is the least exciting of the three, but he's also the sweetest. He pretty much minds his own in the game, autonomously does his homework and spends most of his time with his IF Melody. I haven't had much playing time with him, given all the drama with the twins, so I'd like to see where I could go with his story.
Who should be the 2nd Generation heir?
I've just read a few chapters so far!but i like maddox...he's kinda cute!
I haven't been able to play him very much with all the drama with the twins. I'm surprised about how cute he came out!
DeleteGah, I voted for Maddox, but can I change to Makoto? She's way more interesting. :S
ReplyDeleteSure, I'll subtract a vote from Maddox. mako finally getting some love!