Saturday, July 7, 2012


I had fallen asleep to Mandarin's beautiful music. My dreams were just as beautiful, colorful. She had a real talent for music, no wonder she loved the music channel so much. The girls were ready for school and I sat down with them on the couch and immediately praised Mandarin's music. She told me she wanted to sign up for the music club at school and she thinks it's her dream to be a part of the music industry. Makoto scoffed and swiftly stood up.

"Blah blah! Wowie wowzers, Mandy, you're just so wonderful and perfect! How could I ever be so lucky to have a twin sister like you?" she mocked.
Mandarin glared at her, "No one said I was perfect, Mako!"
"Whatever! You get a secret gift from Dad and I get nothing! Quit playing stupid, Mandy! You know you're the favorite!"
I did feel a little guilty, but I thought both girls would enjoy the keyboard. It was quite expensive.
"Don't talk to me," Mandarin demanded.
"Little perfect Mandy with her little perfect pigtails!"
Mandarin stood up and got in Makoto's face.

"Glob! Just shut up, Makoto! Don't speak to me ever again, not here, not at school! Just leave me alone! You're so jealous of me!"
"Ha! What do I have to be jealous of? You couldn't win a fight if your life depended on it!"
"What does that have to do with anything!?"
Makoto smirked, "You're total weaksauce, Mandy."
"Aah!" Mandarin screamed.

"That's enough, girls! Don't make me get your father!" I guess it was time to break it up. Teenage hormones, ugh.
"I'm going to school early!!" Mandarin screamed and off she went, slamming the door behind her.
"Leave me alone! I'm going to play with Maddox until the bus comes," she mumbled disappearing into Maddox's room.

I followed her through the hall and listened outside of the door. Apparently she was helping him take a potty break.
"Whattya think Maddox? These guns can take care of her!"
He grunted.
"Ew! Maddy! Why does it smell so bad?"
He giggled at her displeasure.

These girls are starting to worry me, but I hear that sisters fight all the time. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much. The bus arrived and honked the horn, Makoto walked out with Maddox, both of them laughing. "Okay, bye little buddy!" she gave him a kiss and a tickle. Yeah, I think I'm over-analyzing, they're just regular teenagers.

After the Makoto was gone and I gave Maddox his breakfast, I told Will I'd be back around 10. I was doing a show and I needed to stay after to meet a man from France who was filming a video of my performance.

Everything was going perfect for me, but apparently things were a different story at the homefront. Momma can't be there to fix everything, I've told Will this. Mandarin was practicing her piano and Will was listening when Makoto walked into the room, not saying a word, presumably to listen as well. Will was a bit suspicious since he now knows Makoto is very jealous of Mandarin and her keyboard.

Mandarin didn't even know she was there until she spoke. "Glob, I don't know what the big deal is! You can't even play a real song! This is terrible!"

"Makoto! That is uncalled for, young lady!" Willard gasped. He probably didn't know his daughter was capable of such a tone.

She ignored him and continued to heckle Mandarin. "You think you'll get any better with practice? Maybe then it'll be tolerable!"

"Shut up, Makooo..!"
"Shutupmakooooooooo..!" Makoto whined mockingly, rolling her eyes. "You're pathetic."

Mandarin walked into Maddox's room to get away from Makoto's craziness, but she followed. "Glob, just get away from me!!"

"You're crazy, Makoto! You're just jealous because you don't have musical talent like I do! You're such a b-"

"Whatever! Fine, I'll leave you alone."

The French guy was nice, probably way more peaceful than the war going on at home. He didn't say much, just that he got a lot of good footage and was going to edit the best parts together and that he might need more footage for later, in case he needed some filler or a better angle. Maybe he did say a lot, but he was just so boring that I didn't care to listen much.

I came home to the funniest sight, my family is a trip. Makoto was working out, huffing and puffing, yelling at her sister to get out of her space. "She's mocking me, Mother!!" she shouted as I walked through the door. Mandarin continued to dance, flailing herself around, proclaiming she can dance whenever and wherever she'd like. Willard, of course, was sitting on the couch, reading, not paying attention to the situation.

"Well, Makoto, maybe that's her way of working out."
"Stop defending her, Mom! She is teasing me!"

When I was here earlier it was the other way around. Makoto would not stop taunting Mandarin over her musical talent. "How is she mocking you Makoto? You don't even like to dance."

She stopped her jumping jacks and dragged me into my bedroom. "Mom, I was messing with her earlier, okay? But I stopped, we got in a big fight and I stopped!! But I was just walking through the kitchen to get a snack and she was being such a brat!"

" 'Hey, Mako..'

'Isn't this about the time you start working out? Should you be eating? I mean, I know how much you care about your weight and I noticed you look a little bigger lately..'

'Are you kidding me, Mandy!? Get you slimy pigtails away from me!'

'Whatever, I'm just looking out for you. You're never going to get a boyfriend at school looking so fat.'"

"So I just walked away, Mom! I just started my workout and that girl just came over and started dancing in front of the screen telling me she doesn't have to work out to look good, that she can just have fun and she's naturally hot!"

She was generally upset over her sister calling her fat or whatever. I placed my hand on her shoulder and reminded her that they are family and should be looking out for each other, not fighting. I would have a talk with her sister.

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